Monday, June 14, 2010

1 down. 1 to go.

yep, i did it!! :)
and...I DID IT LIKE A G!!!!
no tears. beeasstttt.

haha anyway. i got this yesterday.
it was actually kinda fun.
yes, it hurt like crazy.
but more like an annoying slight pain.
until he got to the very top part [like right next to my boob]...
i thought i was going to DIE. it hurt so bad.
it sent pain shooting through my whole body.
but that only lasted a few seconds at a time :).

anywho, i LOVE it.
it's a little sore today, but not bad at all.

1 more to go :)

ps - better pics should be up on facebook soon.


  1. super cuteeee! its huge! i woulda cried my ass off haha

  2. haha. it was not that bad, i promise! thanks babbyyy <3.
