Friday, April 30, 2010

i blame movies.

every princess story ever written
is about a beautiful girl getting swept off her feet
by the PERFECT guy. he does everything right.
he says the right thing at the right time.
he holds you the right way. he makes you smile.
everything is just perfect. 

this has shaped the way most [well girls to be specific] view love.
they expect the guy to come along and sweep them off their feet
and they fall in love with the thought of love. 
at the age of 14 they are claiming they are in love
or they're upset because they don't have a boyfriend.
this want for love starts young, and resides in a girl
until she finds it or realizes how great she is all by herself.

dear hollywood,
thank you for ruining my life
as well as some of those around me. 


Thursday, April 29, 2010

too many thoughts.

i just really need someone to talk to right now.
but i have no one to talk to.
well, i probably do. i'm sure i have friends that would listen to me.
but i've always had a problem verbally expressing myself.
i feel stupid.

but i'm about to go crazy keeping this inside of my head.
i have always been able to handle things by myself.
i never NEEDED to tlk to someone about anything.
i always was and still am the confidant who does not have or need a confidant.

"every confidant needs a confidant" - Corey Thomas about 2 years ago.
i never believed him until now.

i need a confidant.
but who?


Friday, April 23, 2010

it's hard... [rambling]. be happy for someone who has what I want.
so, please, excuse me if i am not overjoyed by your new found happiness.
do not get me wrong, i am glad that YOU are happy.
however, i am not glad that i am not EQUALLY as happy.

i'm happy.
but not as happy as i could be.

ahh, when did i become such a pessimist?
i used to be so optimistic. nothing could bring me down.
i was the girl that was ALWAYS smiling. no matter what.
nothing could bring me down.
and yes, i am still ALWAYS smiling
but for quite sometime that smile has become much less genuine.

i do not blame him, but he was a BIG FACTOR.
everything changed when he came around.

i lost myself in him.
i have not been myself in a VERY long time.
actually, i'm not even sure who myself is anymore.
all this time i thought i was looking for ME
but in actuality i was losing ME.
i did not realize it at the time, but i USED to know who i was.
and SOMEHOW i so carelessly let that go.

pshh. f*ck that.
i want me back.
no, actually, i WILL get me back.
somewhere in the last 3 years
i lost myself.
and that is UNACCEPTABLE.

goal: find myself, AGAIN.
whether it is the old me, or a new me. something HAS to change.

"You can't make your heart feel something it wont..." Boyz To Men <3.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

this is only the beginning...

i figure this is a great time to introduce you to the poetic side of myself. this was written quite sometime ago, and the ONLY reason i am posting this one is because it's the last thing i have written. i have not written in months :/. however, slowly but surely, my inspiration and passion for writing is coming back. expect more and better! :)

date written: september 21st, 2009.

dreaming ever so peacefully
with no intentions of waking 
from the sweetest thoughts 
of you and me falling
so deeply in love
hoping intensely for a chance
hoping for what we could grow to be.

but slowly my dreams taking a turn
nightmares cloud my thoughts
and i'm losing my grip on hope
yet still to you i cling
holding onto something that is not there
no love. no passion. no overbearing joy.
just the right words at the right time
and a naive little girl

as i lay in your arms
and reality is lost
i become the director
of my own perfect movie
you love me. i love you.
nothing can break us.
until i call cut, and walk
towards back stage.
chaos overtakes me and i am
lost. lost for words.
perfection crumbles
revealing the truth.
i'm forced to face it. forced to accept it.
reality punches me, and you are no longer who i thought you were.
water fills my eyes, and my vision is blurred
but i take off towards stage
and yell...
and everything falls back into place
before the first tear can caress my cheek.

this wasnever finished. this is a VERY ROUGH draft. maybe, one day, i'll finish it. who knows?

i hope you like <3.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

happy 4/20 loves.

mhm. wiz khalifa. soooooo sexy :).


i hope everyone has an AMAZING 4/20. celebraaaatteeeeeeee <3.

Racial Profiling.


My first encounters with Racial profiling.

Scenario #1:
At work the older competitive gymnasts like to listen to music while they are conditioning and/or running. One of the coaches [who will remain nameless for multiple reasons] has an iphone with pandora on it. [Sidenote: this coach barely ever speaks to me. we are rarely even cordial enough to say hello to each other. not because we do not like each other, but simply bc thats just how it is...anyway...]. On multiple occasions she has spoken to me and asked "hey, we wanna listen to rap. what's a rapper that does not cuss much?" ---
SERIOUSLY?!?! of the about 10 to 15 people you passed across the gym to get to had to walk ALLL the way just to see me. the first thing that popped into my head was "it's because i'm black." If you knew anything about me you would know that i actually do NOT listen to rap that often. probably a good 75% of the rap songs i know are the same ones you know off the radio. i have a very broad selection of music that i love [adele, wiz khalifa, snow patrol, secondhand serenade, justin nozuka, lil wayne, bob marley, lauryn hill, india arie, drake, the script...need i go on to prove my point?]. It irritates me that just by the color of my skin people assume they know my entire personality, but in actuality all of their assumptions are FAR from the truth and they know NOTHING about me. ugh.

^^that right there was the first encounter I had ever so BLATANTLY had with racial profiling^^.

Scenario #2:
If you know me or have ever heard me speak you would know that i do not talk like a stereotypical southern black person. I pronounce my words and speak with proper english [for the most part]. i LOATHE the "word"
worsum [and fyi: the word is pronounced and spelled WORRISOME], i hate when people say fixing and finna, i hate when people say tombout [talking about], and i could go on forever. [Sidenote: DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING...I DO NOT AT ALL HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY ANYONE TALKS!]. However, i accept that this is how they were brought up and that is what they were taught to say. yes, i may joke with my friends sometimes and i often correct them, but it's never meant harmfully. That leads me to the point...why does everyone have a problem with the way I talk? Well, not necessarily a problem. But why is everyone so SHOCKED when I open my mouth. Black people constantly ask me "why do you talk so white? why do you act so white?" Will someone please tell me how you ACT WHITE?!?! i always thought white was a color and a race. how do you ACT like an ENTIRE race or ACT like a freaking color. that's STUPID. this is in fact reversed racial profiling. those whom i'm supposed to call "my people" judge me because i do not talk like them, dress like them, walk like them, or act like them.

^^my whole life has consisted of "she's not really black...", but last time i checked...I WAS.^^

point of this entire blog:
i can guarantee you that any stereotype label you put on me there is a at least 95% chance that i will disprove that stereotype, and i know many more that would also disprove your judgmental assumptions. i am FAR FROM NORMAL, and judging me by my cover is a vital mistake. my cover is exactly what it sounds like...a COVER. it's not me. it COVERS me.

the end <3

Sunday, April 18, 2010

have you ever felt like you wanted to ask someone something, but you couldn't because you were afraid? Not afraid of what their answer may be, but afraid of what they may think about the question or why you are asking?
if you know exactly how i feel at the current moment.

i want to ask
him so many questions.
well it's really just one question, but it could come out in so many different ways.
i have been imagining myself asking allllll day.
but every time i second guess myself and over analyze.

what if he thinks this or that.
or what if he misunderstands what i'm asking and why.
or what if this is nothing but a game.

i miss the good old days.
the days when boys had cooties.

:) <3.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

my inspiration :)

AHHHH :). 
work was amazing today.
if you know me at know that ever since i started coaching in clarksville i have DREADED going to work everyday. it's just so frustrating.

but was different :).
today i was reminded of why i love to coach so much.
somewhere in the midst of college i lost sight of what i do it for.

"you're the best coach i have ever had" <- that is all it took.
i just had the biggest smile on my face.

you may not understand because you have not ever coached,
but it's the greatest feeling in the world to know that you are making a difference in this childs life.

i remembered today...
i coach because i love kids, and i want them to enjoy the very sport that i am so passionate about. i want to make a difference in their lives. i want to be the reason they smile sometimes :).

that may be STUPID to you. however, to me, it's everything :).

:) <3.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i don't know where to start... it goes...

My name is zakia, but most likely if you are reading this you know that already.
For some reason this is hard for me. I don't know what to write.
I keep thinking of people's reactions to things i have to say...
and then i backspace every letter i have typed.
honestly, i have retyped the above at least 4 times.

That is not good. Not good at all.
I should be able to just type what I think with no question of what anyone has to say about it.
I think i just came up with my whole purpose of this blog.
I plan to VERY soon be able to type exactly what I am thinking
with no thoughts of what anyone has to say.
yep, thats why i am doing this.
it's going to be a BEAUTIFUL relationship me and this blog create.

anywho, thats all for now. i must get my day started.

tata lovesssss <3.