Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mind Fuck

"No sex, I just wanna hold your body. Don’t get me wrong I really wanna make love but can I just hug you? Cuddle a bit before we huddle under the sheets, I wanna dig deeper and understand where you’re coming from. Where did you get these scars? Do you know you’re my own star cause I wake up to sunshine every morning? I wanna know your wants cause I want to feel your paragraph body with your cursive fonts, I’ll understand you more if you allow me past your cover letter, into the center of your soul to feel your demographic words populate your mind state as you regurgitate it out. So let’s chill our hormones as we invade each other’s domes. Shall we?" - Spittinvividly 


  1. This is dope! WHo wrote it?

    Check out my blog!

  2. I'm not too sure. I found it on "spittinvividly"'s blog. I loved it too!
