Saturday, January 29, 2011
1. Arrogance. 2. Extreme sagging. 3. Lack of ambition. 4. Lack of depth.
3 turn ons:
1. BEAUTIFUL smile :). I love those. <- thats how he got me hooked, lol :). 2. Ambition. 3. Sense of humor.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
6 "I wish I never..."
1. I wish I never had sex.
2. I wish I never had sex with him.
3. I wish I never broke up with him the first time.
4. I wish I didn’t make those drunken phone calls on those nights.
5. I wish I didn’t get too drunk to remember the rest of my night at the strip club.
6. I wish I never signed up for this STUPID online art appreciation class.
Monday, January 24, 2011
"Always in my head...."
2. School.
3. My future. Whether or not things are going to turn out the way I want them to.
4. Weed. [which sucks seeing that i’m in the process of stopping smoking!].
5. My mommyy!
6. Myself. Not in a conceited way, but like… I don’t understand myself and the things I do at times so I spend a lot of time trying to understand.
7. Music!
Friday, January 21, 2011
9 things about...MEEE:)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 1...
1. Mommy; I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!! I know you are going through a hard time right now, and I HATE to see you hurting like this. However, I know how strong you are. I got my strength from you. I’m here for you in anyway I can and know how. You’ll make it through. Love you!
2. “Best friend”; It’s interesting to me how you say “It was never JUST about the sex. It was our friendship, our constant communication, our easy conversations. That’s what I loved about our friendship”…. Yet, the minute I say the sex is done and that i'm in a relationship you no longer speak to me. Ha, that's fine because i'm doing amazingly well without you.
3. Roommate; I FUCKING LOVE YOU. I’m so glad that my first apartment is with you. I would not want to share this with anyone else.
4. Dad; Don’t call me and go off on me and tell me “You know what, don’t even bother calling anymore I never wanna speak to you again” and then call me a few days later and leave a voicemail like nothing ever happened. I'm gonna need you to make your bi-polar mind up please and thank you sir.
5. Brother; I love you and I miss you. That is all.
6. BESTEST FRIEND; I fucking love you, but you knew that already. So, I guess there isn’t really anything for me to tell you. I just wanted you to have a number :).
7. Step-dad; You’re a bitch, and I hope karma comes back to bite you in the ass. That is all.
8. Yezzy; I haven't known you that long, but we've gotten pretty close in a short time. I love you [more than you love me]. This semester is gonna suck without you, and I can't wait for you to come back!! But I do know that i BETTER see your ass between now and then! :D.
9. Lenora; I'm praying for you babydoll. I love you!
10. Babyy; The best for last :). 2+ years is a longgggggg time :(. I hate that it's going to be that long until I get to wake up to your face on a daily basis, but it'll all be worth it. I know we can make it. I love you more than life itself, and i'm so glad that I get to share my life with you. I'm praying that were done with this off and on ish because i've grown quite attached to being on :). You're the BESTTT boyfriend in the world and I can't wait till the day I get to call you my fiance and after that my husband and after that the father of my children. I love you <3.
10 day challenge...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
even tho i'm sure you don't care, i'm going to tell you anyway :)
i’m taking a leave of abscence for a while.
a hiatus I suppose you could say.
social networks, cyber venting, & cyber entertainment has taken over my life.
I need a BREAK from technology. I need more human interaction in my life.
facebook <- well that’s been deactivated for good so no more of that period.
anywho…taking time to…
not really sure what i’m taking time for, actually.
i just feel like i need to take time for something.
maybe just to focus on me, my relationships with people, my relationship with God, and school.
yeah, i think that is a great thing to take time for.
Tata loves <3.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
just my thoughts today.
Whatever I may have done to deserve to get my heart broken or even if I did nothing, all I can do is pray that at whatever point in my life this occurs that I am strong enough to handle it. I also hope that your heart is not broken in the process. It hurts me more to hurt someone else than to be hurt myself.
the heartbroken (eventually)"
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
one of my BIGGEST pet peeves...
it kinda hurts, fyi.
ohh, & sidenote...
he called. but i was asleep.
ugh, damn medication!
but him calling is a good sign, right? i hope.
we'll see how things go when we talk.
hopefully they go well.
toodlesss :).
i have this thing for quotes :)
"Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts
Sunday, January 2, 2011
my love letter.
this is so true. never thought about it till now. love is so physical, which means so is the heartbreak.

But it makes sense, love, it all makes sense.
We like to think about love in some symbolic and emotional sense, but what about the physical?
When You're in love:
- The way your heart flutters when you think of a person.
- Your body temperature increases and the palms of your hands sweat as you grow excited.
- You can actually become light-headed or weak at the knees.
- Life looks, sounds, feels, tastes and even smells better when you’re in love.
And when you’re heart-broken:
- You feel a tightness in the chest feels like the physical breaking of your heart
- You suffer from partial or complete insomnia
- You lose your appetite, have a stomach ache, and are even nauseous
- You’re always tired and fatigued
- You have anhedonia, an inability to feel pleasure
People invest all of themselves into relationships and love, whether they realize it or not. Be careful of who you get involved with, because they might abuse you completely. And if you know you’ve been given a heart, you take care of it… because the hurt you cause can be far worse than emotional.
my new goal.
How about you stop doing what you want and start doing what you need to do. I’m pretty sure 34 hours into your New Years you’ve broken at least one of the half-ass promises you made to yourself.
All across my dash, laundry lists of what people want in the New Year.
I wanna get healthy.
I wanna get a job.
I wanna graduate.
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna.
The reason you have so many problems is because you do what you want.
Start doing what you need.
I started to stop doing what I want about 3 years ago.
I started doing what I needed to do.
I needed to get healthy.
I needed to quit smoking and drinking.
I needed to go to class.
I needed to graduate and get a job.
I needed to save money.
As soon as I took care of my needs, I got everything I’ve ever wanted and then some.
Hell on X-mas day I went to check my bank statement and long behold an unexpected check for 2k was in there from Uncle Sam. He owed me for back travel pay apparently. But I wasn’t expecting it and I didn’t need it or want it. It just happened.
When things are bad they tend to snowball.
Well the same thing happens when things are good.
You serious about change?
You ready for the internal tug of war?
To tell you the truth the hardest thing to do in life is change.
Even on New Years, a nice dinner with the wife was almost ruined.
I was ordering and I saw that wine menu and that little kid and like I said no matter how old you are, whether you’re 16, 21, 25, 45, we got that little kid in us screaming “I do what I want”.
Well he started creeping and making excuses and I heard him “it’s only one drink and you’ve been working hard and you deserve it”
And that adult in me was like “naw bruh, forget what that little nigga is saying, he ain’t talking about nuthin’, you need to run 3 miles in the morning remember”
And boom down goes that punk little kid. It’s the little battles you got to win.
But remember half the battle is in the preparation.
I’m prepared. I got wife across from me. That’s my battle buddy. She ain’t going to let me slip.
Ask yourself this question though.
How you going to go to battle with yourself hungover or high?
You going to lose every time.
You got to start now. You got to start checking that little monster in you.
You got to humble yourself and know that what you want, most likely isn’t what you need.
Actually it’s going to be the opposite most of the time.
Once you start taking care of what you need, everything you ever wanted starts to fall in your lap.
My New Years Resolution is to stop cursing.
It’s going to be an uphill battle with that one, but I’m going to win it.
Self actualization is a journey, not a place. You know you’re on the path when you feel yourself straining to reach your potential. You know you aren’t when you constantly bemoan your situation and circumstances, yet continue to do the same things hoping for different results. You were created with limitless potential; some call it “in the image of God”. - Professor D.V.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
my life.
[Verse 1]
Ran into you yesterday
Memories rushed through my brain
it started to hit me
now you're not with me
I realized I made a mistake
I thought I needed some space
But I just let love go to waste
It's so crystal clear now
that I need your here now
I gotta get you back today
This time I want it all
This time I want it all
Showing you all the cards
giving you all my heart
This time I'll take the chance
This time I'll be your man
I can be all you need
This time it's all of me.
[Verse 2]
I hit the bar everynight
Looking to score a good time
It's not like I planned it
I'm left empty handed
'Cause im still alone in my mind
Now what will it take to feel right
Can I come see you tonight?
Is there someone new now?
What can I do now?
'Cause I need you back by my side.
This time I want it all
This time I want it all
Showing you all the cards
giving you all my heart
This time I'll take the chance
This time I'll be your man
I can be all you need
This time its all in me.
This time I will give you more
I'm more mature
I'll show you
Last time I didn't know
I messed up and let you go
I need you
don't say no.
Lying alone in this room
All that is missing is you
pick up the phone
Won't you come home?
This time I want it all
This time I want it all
Showing you all the cards
giving you all my heart
This time I'll take the chance
This time I'll be your man
I can be all you need
This time it's all of me.